This is week 2 . This is the 1st class among every subject in the week . This is a very long class depends on media appreciation last trimester.i might be a tough and boring subject for me.
Anyway , i wish to concentrate in the class . This is my responsibility to be a FCM student.
This week , Mr . Yap brief deeply about CREATIVITY and show us many slide shows regarding it.
CREATIVITY involve of ability , attitude and process.
Source :
Creativity has shifted from one-dimensional skills to a four-dimensional type of creativity that blends logical thinking with creative problem solving. Individuals possessing this “New Creative Mindset” blend Analytical, Expressive, Curious and Sensual qualities into their thinking process. The result is a holistic approach to creativity that is effective across multiple touch points and experiences.
CrEaTiViTy DeFineD
Source : "The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." ~ Albert Einstein
A "new" idea is a combination of old elements.
Being able to devise new combinations depend on your ability to discern
relationships between seemingly disparate items.
'Creativity is the juxtaposition of ideas which
were previously thought to be unrelated.' It is your ability to combine
ideas in a unique way or to make useful associations among ideas.
"There is virtually no problem you cannot
solve, no goal you cannot achieve, no obstacle you cannot overcome if you
know how to apply the creative powers of your mind, like a laser beam, to
cut through every difficulty in your life and your work.
We was given a task to list down 5 WoRdS associated to 'Creativity'...

Standard idea-generation techniques concentrate on combining or adapting
existing ideas. This can certainly generate results. But here, our
focus is on equipping you with tools that help you leap onto a totally
different plane. These approaches push your mind to forge new
connections, think differently and consider new perspectives.
While these techniques are extremely effective, they will only succeed if they are backed by rich knowledge of the area you're working on. This means that if you are not prepared with adequate information about the issue, you are unlikely to come up with a great idea even by using the techniques listed here.
Incidentally, these techniques can be applied to spark creativity in group settings and brainstorming sessions as well.
While these techniques are extremely effective, they will only succeed if they are backed by rich knowledge of the area you're working on. This means that if you are not prepared with adequate information about the issue, you are unlikely to come up with a great idea even by using the techniques listed here.
Incidentally, these techniques can be applied to spark creativity in group settings and brainstorming sessions as well.
act differently and do some things you have never done before
This is some fresh idea !!!
Art derives from the power of imagination, whereas evil derives from
the imagination of power. Both have imagination at the center. In one
direction, imagination enlightens, educates, and elevates the human
spirit; in the other, it degrades, darkens, and deadens it.
Indeed, there could be no cultures without imagination. But when imagination is given priority over stillness of mind and fullness of heart, all kinds of darkness can and does ensue.
Imagination is a faculty of symbolic thought. It is the ability to picture things that do not exist, to generate images, indeed entire cultures, from mental materials. It’s not without reason that people speak of one of the greatest failings as being “the failure of imagination.”
Even so, the creative source of imagination, much less the infinite wellspring of insight, originate from beyond thought. Insight is not imagination, but rather the fountainhead and foundation for imagination.
Illustration art used to
embellish, clarify, or decorate something. We can use our creativity to create from a simple
black-and-white cartoon to a full-color billboard and beyond.We can also create the thing by photograph , painting , drawing or image . Illustration can provide a unique sensibility to certain object and design .
Each illustrator brings a different perspective, vision and idea to play that, when married with great design, becomes an original art form. Illustration brings spontaneity,freshness and a unique point of view to the design of content. It helps to communicate both simple and complex messages while enhancing a design through the unique vision and skill of the selected illustrator.
In nowadays society and in new generation , we are always use a software named adobe illustrator to create a design . Illustration normally use in advertising industry such as produce magazines , books , poster and more. Most of the illustration works is remain copyright to protect the values of the artwork.Today, illustrators often assume the role as consultants to art directors and clients in developing the concepts for communicating content, as well as executing the ideas.
thinking can work wonders to human mind and activities. People have been
looking out for various methods and measures to boost creativity.
Experts believe that creative thinking is directly related to the energy
level of human brain.Creativity was enhanced in the global processing conditions and reduced
in the local processing conditions relative to the control group. For
analytical thinking performance,local
processing enhanced analytical performance, whereas global processing
reduced it. The way we watch, touch, taste, listen, or smell affects our analytical thought, creativity, and categorization automatically, and without our conscious awareness.We need sense to create something creative. People are more likely to have a global processing style when they are feeling sad or thinking about distance future . They will create something based of their sense .If we are powerful enough , we will create a strong thing .We're exploring and learning with no limits of what is real and what is imagined . To me creativity time is play time with our sense .We are seeing the world from a different view . It's new, different, exciting.
Getting in touch with the senses provides a means of searching within for the real answers, being present, touching our own humanity and using this awareness to listen, learn and make better decisions that honour and support life.

Dreaming is the language of the mind during our nightly sojourns. It stands to simple reason that this time could be used wisely. Personal creativity is greatly increased by utilizing the information gleaned from the subconscious mind in dreams. It is also possible to learn to control your dreams, adding a whole new dimension to the sleeping experience.To successfully induce a dream, which relate to your creative product, it relies on motivation. The more motivated you are, your capacity to dream of helpful creative dream increases. And motivation relies on how strong our emotion is for that matter.Dreaming is a state where we can access our inner self and our subconscious mind, a place where it lodges our memory, knowledge, desire, emotion, personal views and our thoughts. Through the dreaming process, we could access this full resources to discover new combination, which we could not access easily in waking state. Intense dreams contain powerful resources for creativity. Because how we feel has a large effect on what we think. Knowledge and different kind of experience foster creativity. The more knowledge and experience we have, the more creative resources we have. Somehow, dreams are part of our life experience and an effect experienced in a dream is in no way inferior to one of like intensity experienced in waking life, due to the reason that dream is consider as part of our real psychic experiences.
"Rejection confirms for independent people what they already feel about
themselves, that they’re not like others," says Johns Hopkins Professor
Sharon Kim. "For such people, that distinction is a positive one leading
them to greater creativity."
Getting in touch with the senses provides a means of searching within for the real answers, being present, touching our own humanity and using this awareness to listen, learn and make better decisions that honour and support life.
Dreaming is the language of the mind during our nightly sojourns. It stands to simple reason that this time could be used wisely. Personal creativity is greatly increased by utilizing the information gleaned from the subconscious mind in dreams. It is also possible to learn to control your dreams, adding a whole new dimension to the sleeping experience.To successfully induce a dream, which relate to your creative product, it relies on motivation. The more motivated you are, your capacity to dream of helpful creative dream increases. And motivation relies on how strong our emotion is for that matter.Dreaming is a state where we can access our inner self and our subconscious mind, a place where it lodges our memory, knowledge, desire, emotion, personal views and our thoughts. Through the dreaming process, we could access this full resources to discover new combination, which we could not access easily in waking state. Intense dreams contain powerful resources for creativity. Because how we feel has a large effect on what we think. Knowledge and different kind of experience foster creativity. The more knowledge and experience we have, the more creative resources we have. Somehow, dreams are part of our life experience and an effect experienced in a dream is in no way inferior to one of like intensity experienced in waking life, due to the reason that dream is consider as part of our real psychic experiences.
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